Hall Place, Bexley
This image was again drawn from sketches made on site and photographs. A mixture of dip pens and pigma pens were used to create this study on A4 Winsor & Newton smooth surface 100lbs cartridge paper. I am the Estate Manager here at Hall Place and this was a labour of love to complete, I only wish I had illustrated this as an A3 image. This has been well received by lovers of the Queens Beasts topiary.
Hall Place, Bexley
This image was again drawn from sketches made on site and photographs. A mixture of dip pens and pigma pens were used to create this study on A4 Winsor & Newton smooth surface 100lbs cartridge paper. I am the Estate Manager here at Hall Place and this was a labour of love to complete, I only wish I had illustrated this as an A3 image. This has been well received by lovers of the Queens Beasts topiary.

Pen & Ink
Hall Place, Bexley
This image was again drawn from sketches made on site and photographs. A mixture of dip pens and pigma pens were used to create this study on A4 Winsor & Newton smooth surface 100lbs cartridge paper. I am the Estate Manager here at Hall Place and this was a labour of love to complete, I only wish I had illustrated this as an A3 image. This has been well received by lovers of the Queens Beasts topiary.