Stoneacre National Trust Property
I made some sketches at this property last summer, but did not have enough time to sit and sketch the whole scene I have produced here. However the beautiful day and sketches I made inspired me over the Christmas break to illustrate the property in pen and ink. I used Winsor and Newton cartridge paper and mainly Pigma pens. If you want to get hold of these pens contact Cult Pens on the web they have a fantastic range of drawing and writing equipment and at very good prices.
Near Maidstone Kent
Stoneacre National Trust Property
I made some sketches at this property last summer, but did not have enough time to sit and sketch the whole scene I have produced here. However the beautiful day and sketches I made inspired me over the Christmas break to illustrate the property in pen and ink. I used Winsor and Newton cartridge paper and mainly Pigma pens. If you want to get hold of these pens contact Cult Pens on the web they have a fantastic range of drawing and writing equipment and at very good prices.
Near Maidstone Kent

Pen & Ink 3
Stoneacre National Trust Property
I made some sketches at this property last summer, but did not have enough time to sit and sketch the whole scene I have produced here. However the beautiful day and sketches I made inspired me over the Christmas break to illustrate the property in pen and ink. I used Winsor and Newton cartridge paper and mainly Pigma pens. If you want to get hold of these pens contact Cult Pens on the web they have a fantastic range of drawing and writing equipment and at very good prices.
Near Maidstone Kent