Capel Tunbridge Wells
This image was sketched from inside the car on the side of the road in early autumn. I had no camera that day. I first turned it into an autumnal scene, however I was not totally happy with the results so I decided to go a little overboard and came up with this winter scene which I was pleased with. It was painted on Arches Not paper, one of the best papers around.
Capel Tunbridge Wells
This image was sketched from inside the car on the side of the road in early autumn. I had no camera that day. I first turned it into an autumnal scene, however I was not totally happy with the results so I decided to go a little overboard and came up with this winter scene which I was pleased with. It was painted on Arches Not paper, one of the best papers around.

Watercolours 7
Capel Tunbridge Wells
This image was sketched from inside the car on the side of the road in early autumn. I had no camera that day. I first turned it into an autumnal scene, however I was not totally happy with the results so I decided to go a little overboard and came up with this winter scene which I was pleased with. It was painted on Arches Not paper, one of the best papers around.