Edinburgh Castle sketch 1
This image was, based on old sketches made on site, was created with Pigma pens on Daler Rowney Bristol Board 115lbs. This gave a very quick crisp sketch. Bristol Board has a glass like surface and the pens float along this like skates on ice. I will use Bristol Board again, although I would like more of a tone to the colour, all the Bristol Board I have seen so far is a bright white colour. If any one knows of any other colours please let me know?
Edinburgh Castle sketch 1
This image was, based on old sketches made on site, was created with Pigma pens on Daler Rowney Bristol Board 115lbs. This gave a very quick crisp sketch. Bristol Board has a glass like surface and the pens float along this like skates on ice. I will use Bristol Board again, although I would like more of a tone to the colour, all the Bristol Board I have seen so far is a bright white colour. If any one knows of any other colours please let me know?

Pen & Ink 5
Edinburgh Castle sketch 1
This image was, based on old sketches made on site, was created with Pigma pens on Daler Rowney Bristol Board 115lbs. This gave a very quick crisp sketch. Bristol Board has a glass like surface and the pens float along this like skates on ice. I will use Bristol Board again, although I would like more of a tone to the colour, all the Bristol Board I have seen so far is a bright white colour. If any one knows of any other colours please let me know?